You can find on this page the Denmark region map to print and to download in PDF. The Denmark political map presents states, regions, provinces and surrounding areas of Denmark in Northern Europe.

Denmark regions map

The Denmark regions map shows surrounding areas and provinces of Denmark. This administrative map of Denmark will allow you to know regions of Denmark in Northern Europe. The Denmark regions map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The five major regions of Denmark are North Denmark, Central Denmark, South Denmark, Zealand, and the Capital Region as you can see in Denmark regions map. While regions are the first-level administration unit in Denmark, municipalities are the second-level unit. Even though Denmark also has provinces, they are mainly for statistical and census information. The names of the regions in English are not uniform. The government often uses the Danish names or directly translated English names (e.g. Greater Copenhagen, Zealand, North Jutland, Southern Denmark, Central Jutland). The regions themselves partially use other names in English, substituting 'Jutland' for 'Denmark'. The most important area of responsibility for the new regions is the public health service. They are also responsible for employment policies and public mass transit (buses and a few local railways). However, in eastern Denmark (Region Zealand and the Capital Region) transit is handled by a single transport agency, Movia.

Denmark regions are led by directly elected councils (regionsråd). They consist of 41 members each as its shown in Denmark regions map. Elections are held simultaneously with municipal elections every four years. The last Danish local elections were held on 17 November 2009. Unlike the former counties, regions are not entitled to levy their own taxes. Thus, the present regions rely entirely on central state funding (around 70%) and funding coming from the municipalities (around 30%). A central government "health contribution" tax (sundhedsbidrag) at 8.00% on the preliminary and final income statement forms has replaced the county tax (amtsskat). 90% of the budgets of the regions are allocated to the national health service. Health issues have remained the primary hot issue in regional politics, especially because grand changes of Denmark hospital layout were announced immediately after the municipal reform. The new hospital schemes have not been fully finalised yet (as of 2009).

The 5 state administrations (statsforvaltning) are the representations of the central government in the five regions as its mentioned in Denmark regions map. They belong to The Ministry of the Interior and Health. Their jurisdictions follow the region borders. These administrations are not subordinate to the regional councils, but rather the direct presence of the state (similar to governates or prefectures in certain countries). A state administration office exists in each region, supervising the daily business of municipalities and regions, and functioning as a body of appeal for citizens who wish to complain over a decision by the municipality or region. The offices also handle affairs concerning adoption, citizenship and divorces. Each office is led by a Director of the State Administration (forvaltningsdirektør) who is a university graduate of law.

Denmark political map

The Denmark political map shows regions and provinces of Denmark. This administrative map of Denmark will allow you to show regions, administrative borders and cities of Denmark in Northern Europe. The Denmark political map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The politics of Denmark function within a framework of a parliamentary, representative democracy. The Kingdom of Denmark is a constitutional monarchy, in which the Monarch, currently Queen Margrethe II, is head of state as you can see in Denmark political map. Executive power is exercised by the government, with the Prime Minister acting as primus inter pares. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the Folketing (the national parliament). The Judiciary is independent, officially appointed by the monarch and employed until retirement. Denmark has a multi-party system and no single party has held an absolute majority in the Folkting since the beginning of the 20th century. Since only four post-war governments have enjoyed a majority, government bills rarely become law without negotiations and compromise with both supporting and opposition parties. Hence the Danish parliament tends to be more powerful than legislatures in other EU countries.

Denmark constitution does not grant the judiciary power of judicial review of legislation, however the courts have asserted this power with the consent of the other branches of government. Since there are no constitutional or administrative courts, the Supreme Court deals with a constitutional dimension as its shown in Denmark political map. The degree of transparency and accountability is reflected in the public high level of satisfaction with the political institutions, while Denmark is also regularly considered one of the least corrupt countries in the world by international organizations. On many issues the political parties tend to opt in for a co-operation, and the Danish state welfare model receives a broad parliamentary support. This ensures a focus on public-sector efficiency as well as devolved responsibilities of local government on regional and municipal levels.

Denmark has a multiparty political system with currently eight parties represented in parliament. The four oldest and in history most influential parties are the Conservative People Party, the Social-Democratic Party, the Liberal Party and the Social-Liberal Party as its mentioned in Denmark political map. However, demographics have been in favor of other and younger parties, which has led to a constant process of policy development and gradual renewal amongst, but not limited to, the four old parties. None of the parties have exactly the same organization. It is however common for a party to have: An annual convention which approves manifestos and elects party chairmen; a board of leaders; an assembly of representatives as well as a number of local branches with their own organization. In most cases the party members in parliament form their own group with autonomy to develop and promote party politics in parliament and between elections.

Denmark states map

The Denmark states map shows all departments and regions of Denmark. States map of Denmark will allow you to know areas and cities of Denmark in Denmark. The Denmark states map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The five states of Denmark differ in relation to their physical geography, areas and populations. For example, more than 30 per cent of the inhabitants of Denmark live in the Capital Region of Denmark, which at the same time is the absolute smallest state in terms of its area as you can see in Denmark states map. Other characteristics differentiating the states include the composition of their business communities, educational offerings and infrastructure. The regions have the responsibility for all treatment provided by the Danish Healthcare System. The states operate the public hospitals. The regions are also responsible for the medical practice sector functioning. For example, the regions are the guarantors for all Danes having access to a practising physician. The states also enter into agreements with a number of privately practising specialist physicians and other occupational groups, for example dentists, psychologists and physiotherapists, whose services are used by Danes.

Hovedstaden state (Capital Region of Denmark) municipalities as its shown in Denmark states map are Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Gentofte, Gladsaxe, Helsingør, Rudersdal, Lyngby-Taarbæk, Hvidovre, Hillerød, Høje-Taastrup, Ballerup, Frederikssund. Midtjylland state (Central Denmark Region) municipalities are: Aarhus, Randers, Viborg, Silkeborg, Herning, Horsens, Skanderborg, Ringkøbing-Skjern, Holstebro, Skive, Favrskov, Hedensted, Syddjurs, Ikast-Brande, Norddjurs, Struer, Odder, Lemvig, Samsø. Nordjylland state (North Denmark Region) municipalities are: Aalborg, Hjørring, Frederikshavn, Thisted, Mariagerfjord, Jammerbugt, Vesthimmerland, Brønderslev, Rebild, Morsø, Læsø. Sjælland state (Region Zealand) municipalities are: Roskilde, Næstved, Slagelse, Holbæk, Guldborgsund, Køge, Kalundborg, Greve, Vordingborg, Lolland, Faxe, Ringsted, Odsherred, Sorø, Lejre, Stevns, Solrød. Syddanmark (Region of Southern Denmark) municipalities are: Odense, Esbjerg, Vejle, Kolding, Sønderborg, Aabenraa, Svendborg, Haderslev, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Varde, Fredericia, Vejen, Assens, Tønder, Middelfart, Nyborg, Nordfyn, Billund, Kerteminde, Langeland, Ærø, Fanø.

The reform of Denmark has been called the biggest reform in thirty years. It was an important policy issue for the current Liberal-Conservative cabinet, most importantly for Lars Løkke Rasmussen, then minister of the Interior and Health as its mentioned in Denmark states map. The abolition of the counties had long been an important goal for both the Conservatives and the Danish People Party. In June 2004, the Danish People Party decided to back the reform, thus securing a majority in the Danish parliament (Folketing), although the party had preferred just abolishing the counties without replacing them with a new intermediate administrative level (the other two being the government and the municipalities). The parties who wanted to limit the regional tier of government prevailed insofar as the regions have no authority to levy any taxes, unlike the former counties.